Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas 2007

The wondrous thing about Christmases is that they come in all shapes and sizes. Some are grand celebrations are filled with lots of family and friend and endless rounds of food, while others are more modest. Quiet and intimate. All have their merits.

This year, it was nice to have something along the quiet variety. After a pretty hectic fall, we found ourselves really needing a bit of a reprieve. We feel a little behind the eight ball in almost every area of our life.

By the way, many thanks to all who sent us Christmas cards. It was so fun to read your news and see photos of your families. I regret that we were not able to finish our letter in time so that it could arrive in some timely fashion! It'll be timed for the New Year now.

We went to Syracuse for the weekend right before Christmas, where we visited Joe’s family and hooked up with some good friends, the Binghams and Davidsons.....

Sue and I comparing roundness. I’m almost exactly two months ahead.

We made a great pot of sauce for Christmas Day, while we lounged around and exchanged a few gifts.

Check out Joe’s prize gift to me. As I was opening it, he got all serious and said, “Now Liz, I wanted to create something for you using my artistic talents.” How wonderful, I thought. I have always encouraged Joe to go back to drawing. He’s quite an artist. “I hope you like it. I may have gotten a little rusty.” Okay….

Here’s what I opened. I especially liked the attention to detail on the stomach.

Christmas evening we were invited to share dessert with our neighbors and their family. After lots of chatting, two cups of decaf and a pounds' worth of sugary treats, we went home and crashed. Merry Christmas.

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